The Highlights Of Paul's Life.
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By artist Dr. Kenneth Wyatt.
By artist Dr. Kenneth Wyatt.
Paul was born a Roman citizen (Acts 22:27-28) to Jewish parents in the small but wealthy city of Tarsus, Cilicia (Acts 21:39; 22:3) in modern-day Turkey. He was profoundly religious and possessed a keen intellect. Paul was chosen to study the Hebrew Canon under the renowned Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) at the tender age of thirteen, a high honor. Paul was "a Hebrew of Hebrews" (Philippians 3:5), a strict Pharisee (Acts 26:5), and a fierce opponent of Christianity (Galatians 1:13). It was Paul who watched the executioner's coats as they stoned Stephen, the first Christian martyr, to death (Acts 7:58; 22:20). After Stephen's murder, Paul made it his mission to find and persecute Christians (1 Corinthians 15:9). He went from city to city hunting them down. He beat, imprisoned, and forced them to renounce their faith (26:9-11). His reputation for cruelty was well known (Acts 9:13). After his conversion to Christianity (Acts 9:1-9; 22:6-11; 26:12-18), Paul joined the Christians he had been persecuting and spent the rest of his life traveling the vast Roman empire teaching the word of God. Paul's contributions to the fledgling Christian church cannot be overstated. It is estimated that he walked over 10,000 miles on three separate evangelical tours, and he wrote thirteen of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament. Finally, he was chained and imprisoned for two years while waiting for his accusers to testify against him (Acts 23:35). After being released and arrested again, Paul was found guilty of a capital offense and beheaded. Called "the Apostle to the Gentiles," "the Apostle of Grace," and "a servant of God" (Titus 1:1), it is difficult to name a person more responsible for spreading Christianity.
The Highlights Of Paul's Life
Birth of Paul ................................................................................................. around the time of Christ's birth
Conversion of Paul ...................................................................................... AD 33
First missionary journey ............................................................................. 47- 48
Galatians written after first journey ........................................................... 48
Apostolic council at Jerusalem ................................................................. 49
Second missionary journey ....................................................................... 49 - 52
1 and 2 Thessalonians written during second journey ........................... 52
Third missionary journey ........................................................................... 52 - 56
1 and 2 Corinthians written during third journey ..................................... 55
Romans written during third journey ........................................................ 56
Arrest in Jerusalem ..................................................................................... 56
Journey to Rome ......................................................................................... 60 - 61
In Rome awaiting trial, under guard .......................................................... 61
Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians written from prison ...... 61
Paul released, revisits churches, resumes evangelistic ministry .......... 62 - 65
1 Timothy, Titus written .............................................................................. 62 - 65
Paul arrested, imprisoned at Rome ........................................................... 65 - 67
2 Timothy written from prison .................................................................... 67
Paul executed .............................................................................................. 67
From "The Everyday Bible" published by World Wide Publications, Minneapolis, Minnesota; page 209.
The Highlights Of Paul's Life
Birth of Paul ................................................................................................. around the time of Christ's birth
Conversion of Paul ...................................................................................... AD 33
First missionary journey ............................................................................. 47- 48
Galatians written after first journey ........................................................... 48
Apostolic council at Jerusalem ................................................................. 49
Second missionary journey ....................................................................... 49 - 52
1 and 2 Thessalonians written during second journey ........................... 52
Third missionary journey ........................................................................... 52 - 56
1 and 2 Corinthians written during third journey ..................................... 55
Romans written during third journey ........................................................ 56
Arrest in Jerusalem ..................................................................................... 56
Journey to Rome ......................................................................................... 60 - 61
In Rome awaiting trial, under guard .......................................................... 61
Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians written from prison ...... 61
Paul released, revisits churches, resumes evangelistic ministry .......... 62 - 65
1 Timothy, Titus written .............................................................................. 62 - 65
Paul arrested, imprisoned at Rome ........................................................... 65 - 67
2 Timothy written from prison .................................................................... 67
Paul executed .............................................................................................. 67
From "The Everyday Bible" published by World Wide Publications, Minneapolis, Minnesota; page 209.