Matthew 16:21-17:13
Lesson 33
Lesson 33
Read both the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation."
In this lesson:
This lesson begins "The Passion." It is the final phase of Jesus' ministry.
Jesus tells His disciples that He will go to Jerusalem, suffer, be killed, and then resurrected (16:21-23).
What it costs to be a disciple (16:24-28).
Jesus is transfigured (17:1-13).
The mount of transfiguration.
By the Italian renaissance artist and architect Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520).
By the Italian renaissance artist and architect Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520).
What is the transfiguration?
A Greek word meaning "to change in form" or "to be transformed." When Jesus was transfigured, His divine nature shone through His human form. Jesus' face shining like "the sun" and His clothes "white as light" (17:2) proves that He is the long-awaited Messiah.
"The transfiguration scene contains, in miniature, all the elements of the future kingdom in manifestation (2 Peter 1:15-21): (1) the Lord Jesus, not in humiliation but in glory (verse 2); (2) Moses, in glory, representative of the redeemed who have passed through death into the kingdom (Matthew 13:43); (3) Elijah, in glory, representative of the redeemed who have entered the kingdom by translation (1 Corinthians 15:50-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17); (4) Peter, James, and John, not glorified, representatives, for the moment, of Israel in the flesh in the future kingdom (Ezekiel 37:21-27); and (5) the multitude at the foot of the mountain (verse 14), representative of those who are to be brought into the kingdom after it is established over Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12; etc.). ("The New Scofield Reference Bible," published by Oxford University Press, New York, New York; page 1022).
Peter was still talking about the transfiguration when he was an old man preparing for his death (2 Peter 1:14-18).
A Greek word meaning "to change in form" or "to be transformed." When Jesus was transfigured, His divine nature shone through His human form. Jesus' face shining like "the sun" and His clothes "white as light" (17:2) proves that He is the long-awaited Messiah.
"The transfiguration scene contains, in miniature, all the elements of the future kingdom in manifestation (2 Peter 1:15-21): (1) the Lord Jesus, not in humiliation but in glory (verse 2); (2) Moses, in glory, representative of the redeemed who have passed through death into the kingdom (Matthew 13:43); (3) Elijah, in glory, representative of the redeemed who have entered the kingdom by translation (1 Corinthians 15:50-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17); (4) Peter, James, and John, not glorified, representatives, for the moment, of Israel in the flesh in the future kingdom (Ezekiel 37:21-27); and (5) the multitude at the foot of the mountain (verse 14), representative of those who are to be brought into the kingdom after it is established over Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12; etc.). ("The New Scofield Reference Bible," published by Oxford University Press, New York, New York; page 1022).
Peter was still talking about the transfiguration when he was an old man preparing for his death (2 Peter 1:14-18).
Study Tip:
Take a few minutes before studying the Bible to pray and ask God to open your heart to His teachings.
Take a few minutes before studying the Bible to pray and ask God to open your heart to His teachings.