Revelation 7:1-17
Lesson 477
Read both the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation."
In this lesson:
Two more visions (7:1-8; 7:9-17).
Four angels stand on the four corners of the earth (7:1).
Who will be spared?
The Seventh Seal is broken (7:13).
People hide (6:15-17) as angels hold back the wrath of God (7:1-3).
Praising and serving God.
Two more visions (7:1-8; 7:9-17).
Four angels stand on the four corners of the earth (7:1).
Who will be spared?
The Seventh Seal is broken (7:13).
People hide (6:15-17) as angels hold back the wrath of God (7:1-3).
Praising and serving God.
What is a -
Amillennialists -
A amillennialists is a person who does not believe that Jesus will have an actual thousand-year reign on earth. They take the thousand-year reign discussed in Revelation 20:1-6 figuratively, not literally. This is called amillennialism, a Greek word meaning "no millennium."
A premillennialist takes Jesus' thousand-year reign on earth literally. They believe that Jesus will return (the Second Coming) and rule the Earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years. The Second Coming will end to the seven years of satanic rule (the Tribulation). Premillennialists say that Christians living when the tribulation begins will be spared. Believers will be raptured into heaven without dying. Premillennialism is a widely held belief among evangelicals and others.
Amillennialists -
A amillennialists is a person who does not believe that Jesus will have an actual thousand-year reign on earth. They take the thousand-year reign discussed in Revelation 20:1-6 figuratively, not literally. This is called amillennialism, a Greek word meaning "no millennium."
A premillennialist takes Jesus' thousand-year reign on earth literally. They believe that Jesus will return (the Second Coming) and rule the Earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years. The Second Coming will end to the seven years of satanic rule (the Tribulation). Premillennialists say that Christians living when the tribulation begins will be spared. Believers will be raptured into heaven without dying. Premillennialism is a widely held belief among evangelicals and others.
The way to salvation:
First, acknowledge that we have all sinned and that the penalty for sin is eternal death.
Second, repent and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died for our sins and was resurrected.
Finally, pray and make Jesus a part of your life.
Forgiveness of sins and salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
First, acknowledge that we have all sinned and that the penalty for sin is eternal death.
Second, repent and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died for our sins and was resurrected.
Finally, pray and make Jesus a part of your life.
Forgiveness of sins and salvation comes through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.