The end here, the beginning there.
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The end here, the beginning there.
"In this life it seems everything has an end, then quickly begins again." Every hour has a final second. Every day has a sunset. Every workweek has a Friday. Every year has an ending. Every life has a final breath.
After each hour is another hour. After each sunset, there is a sunrise. After each Friday, there comes Saturday and Sunday. After each year, there is a happy New Year. After your last breath, there is death.
Then there is a new life with new beginnings. After your final goodbye here, there is a welcome there. After your departure here, you have an arrival there. After your body dies, you still exist.
After your final "good night" here, there is a "good morning" there. After death here, death is no more there. After sorrow here, gladness will be there. After your crying here, tears will be wiped away there. After your pain here, pain will be no more.
Former things in this life fade. All things become new things there. All old things will end, and all new things will begin. These are the words and promises of the Lord, who is true and faithful and cannot lie.
One day life here will end, and life there will begin."
Excerpted from Ted Camp of "Silent Word Ministries" in Trenton, Georgia. They have been a non-profit, evangelical ministry to the deaf since 1966.
"In this life it seems everything has an end, then quickly begins again." Every hour has a final second. Every day has a sunset. Every workweek has a Friday. Every year has an ending. Every life has a final breath.
After each hour is another hour. After each sunset, there is a sunrise. After each Friday, there comes Saturday and Sunday. After each year, there is a happy New Year. After your last breath, there is death.
Then there is a new life with new beginnings. After your final goodbye here, there is a welcome there. After your departure here, you have an arrival there. After your body dies, you still exist.
After your final "good night" here, there is a "good morning" there. After death here, death is no more there. After sorrow here, gladness will be there. After your crying here, tears will be wiped away there. After your pain here, pain will be no more.
Former things in this life fade. All things become new things there. All old things will end, and all new things will begin. These are the words and promises of the Lord, who is true and faithful and cannot lie.
One day life here will end, and life there will begin."
Excerpted from Ted Camp of "Silent Word Ministries" in Trenton, Georgia. They have been a non-profit, evangelical ministry to the deaf since 1966.