Matthew 7:13-29
Lesson 13
Read both the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation."
In this Lesson
The Sermon on the Mount ends.
False versus true teachers (7:15-20).
A parable (7:24-27)
According to the NavPress Bible study (part of the Life Change Series published by NavPress), our attitude towards rules influences how we read the Sermon on the Mount and its instructions on how to live. Consider this: Do you adhere strictly to rules, or do you test their boundaries? Your answer could shed light on how you interpret the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus' instructions on how to live. Go back and re-visit lessons 7-13. Which passage spoke loudest to you?
Sermon on the Mount
By British artist and illustrator Henry Coller (1886-1950)
By British artist and illustrator Henry Coller (1886-1950)
Study Tip:
Whenever you encounter a challenging passage, scroll between the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation" below.
Whenever you encounter a challenging passage, scroll between the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation" below.