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Jesus' Galilean Ministry
Matthew's Summary
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Matthew's Summary
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Jesus' Galilean ministry - Matthew's Summary
Matthew, whose name means "gift of God" was a Jew from Galilee. He was a tax collector for the Romans in Capernaum (Matthew 9:9; Luke 5:27) when Jesus called him to be a disciple. After answering Jesus' call, Matthew "held a great banquet at his house" (Matthew 9:10; Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29) and became the Messiah's traveling companion and record keeper. Matthew is last named in Acts 1:13 as one of the twelve in the upper room after Jesus' ascension. It is unclear whether he died of natural causes or was killed for his Christian faith.
Matthew devotes fourteen chapters (4:12-19:1), one-half of his Gospel, to Jesus' Galilean ministry. This is a summary of what he heard, saw, and experienced as he traveled with Jesus.
Matthew's summary
Call of Simon, Andrew, James, John (4:18-22)
Journeys, preaching, healing, multitudes, fame (4:23-25)
Sermon on the Mount (5:1-7:29)
A leper, and the centurion's servant healed (8:1-13)
Peter's mother-in-law, and many others, healed (8:14-17)
Tempest stilled (8:23-27)
Gadarene demoniacs (8:28-34)
A paralytic healed (9:1-8)
Call of Matthew, and his feast (9:9-13)
"Fasting" (9:14-17)
Jairus' daughter, and the woman with hemorrhage (9:18-26)
Two blind men, and a dumb demoniac healed (9:27-38)
The twelve sent forth (10:1-42)
Messengers from John the Baptist (11:1-19)
Cities upbraided (11:20-24)
"Come unto Me" (11:25-30)
Eating grain, and healing on the Sabbath (12:1-14)
A blind and dumb demoniac healed (12:15-23)
Jesus accused of being in league with beelzebub (12:24-45)
Jesus' mother and brothers (12:46-50)
Parables: sower, tares, mustard, leaven, treasure, pearl, net (13:1-58)
Visit to Nazareth (13:54-58)
John the Baptist beheaded (14:1-12)
The 5,000 fed, Jesus walks on water (14:13-33)
Multitudes healed in Gennesaret (14:34-36)
Pharisees, tradition, and defilement (15:1-20)
The Canaanitish woman (15:21-28)
The 4,000 fed (15:29-39)
"Leaven of the Pharisees" (16:1-12)
Peter's confession, passion foretold (16:13-28)
The Transfiguration, passion again foretold (17:1-13)
The epileptic boy, passion again foretold (17:14-23)
The Temple tax (17:24-27)
"Little children," forgiveness (18:1-35)
"Halley's Bible Handbook" by Henry H. Halley, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; page 429
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