Harold George Ihlefeldt
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Harold G. Ihlefeldt
circa 1942
circa 1942
Harold George Ihlefeldt was born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA in 1920. He grew up during the Great Depression and was a veteran of two wars. These experiences profoundly affected Harold and molded him into the man he became.
Harold was a remarkable man who influenced many lives. He had a wide range of interests and enjoyed lively, intellectual discussions on a multitude of subjects. He was always willing to share his time and offer guidance, advice, and comfort to those who needed it. Harold's sense of humor, endearing personality and ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms made him a beloved figure. It's hard to imagine anyone disliking him.
Harold had a profound knowledge and scholarly understanding of Scripture. His was an unwavering love for the Lord and an infinite desire to share his passion with others.
Harold Ihlefeldt passed away in 1971, but his journal remains. It's a testament to his wisdom and the kind of man he was.
Here are a few of his quotes.
"We find righteousness, not by keeping of the (Mosaic) Law, but by faith in Christ."
"We are justified before men by good deeds. We are justified before God by naked faith."
"No person can be saved by turning over a new leaf, by doing the best they can, or by practicing good works."
"To believe God is to accept His word unconditionally. To trust His promise. To believe that God exists is not enough."
"Jesus came to redeem them that were under the (Mosaic) Law. Man could not keep the Law. He was condemned by the Law."
"Jesus was born to die. Jesus did for man what man cannot do for himself. He did it though the cross and the resurrection. The cross is our only hope to find the justice and mercy of God."
"Man is alienated from God. He chooses self rather than God. Man has tried all human and earthly means to recover paradise. All have failed."
"Man must come to Christ on his own free will. Accept Christ, put all trust and faith in Christ."
"The faith that saves the soul is faith in Christ as the Son of God. Not as a good man or even a great man, but as the uniquely begotten Son of the living God."
"When you call upon God you are given true repentance."
"Because God Himself has set forth Christ to be the covering for human guilt, He cannot possibly reject the sinner who accepts Jesus Christ as their savior."
"Salvation and righteousness still come by believing God's word."
"If we do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ, we are calling God a liar."
"Religion and salvation are not the same. There are many religions. There is only one salvation. Religion is worshipping something. Salvation is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation from sin comes only through the shed blood of Jesus."
"No one can live a Christian life by trying to live his religion. No one is big enough to overcome the world by their own strength."
"In Jesus we cannot lose; we cannot fall. The devil cannot get us, but without Jesus we cannot win."
"Faith is better than feeling. Your Bible does not say feel and be saved. It says, "Believe and be saved." Crystallize your feelings into faith."
"Faith in Jesus is the invisible root of religion concealed within the soul."
"Repentance is the launching pad where the soul is sent on its eternal orbit with God at the center of the arc. Repentance becomes the key and forgiveness the gateway to the Kingdom of God."
"You must come to God by faith. Faith is the link between God and man."
God's plan for our reconciliation was completed in His Son. Man must respond by receiving and trusting. Not by just hanging on. It's laying hold of Christ."
"Christ is the object of our faith."
"Believe God. Take Him at His word."
"The purpose of God's Grace is to deliver us from Sin. Without it we would all be lost eternally."
"God helps us see the difference between redemption and reward, salvation and stewardship. Grace is God's gift to mankind."
"Salvation is simply believing what the Bible tells us about Jesus."
"If man could attain righteousness through keeping the (Mosaic) Law then there was no need for Jesus to die on the cross."
"Before the crucifixion, there was no such thing as putting away sins."
"God always does exactly what He promised."
"We are not children of God because of the (Mosaic) Law. We are children of God by Grace through faith."
"Salvation is by God's Grace through faith totally independent of good works."
"God's grace does not destroy a person's free will."
"People who believe in God have all that heaven affords at their disposal."
"Rebirth by the Holy Spirit is the only way into the Kingdom of God."
"Salvation is not repairing the old man. Salvation is the creation of a new man."
"God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
"God rejoices when a person believes in Jesus and repents.
"Under the Mosaic Law, God demands righteousness from mankind. Under Grace, God gives righteousness to mankind."
"The unbeliever does not know the meaning of real love."
"The proof of Christianity is not found in theology or ethics. But in the new person created by Christianity."
"Faith is the key that unlocks a wonderful transforming experience in the life of believers."
"Jesus is nearer than even our breath. He lives in our heart."
"To many, Christians are the only Bible they will ever read. Believers are representatives of Jesus. They should be careful how they walk."
"We are saved by Grace, Grace alone."
Harold was a remarkable man who influenced many lives. He had a wide range of interests and enjoyed lively, intellectual discussions on a multitude of subjects. He was always willing to share his time and offer guidance, advice, and comfort to those who needed it. Harold's sense of humor, endearing personality and ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms made him a beloved figure. It's hard to imagine anyone disliking him.
Harold had a profound knowledge and scholarly understanding of Scripture. His was an unwavering love for the Lord and an infinite desire to share his passion with others.
Harold Ihlefeldt passed away in 1971, but his journal remains. It's a testament to his wisdom and the kind of man he was.
Here are a few of his quotes.
"We find righteousness, not by keeping of the (Mosaic) Law, but by faith in Christ."
"We are justified before men by good deeds. We are justified before God by naked faith."
"No person can be saved by turning over a new leaf, by doing the best they can, or by practicing good works."
"To believe God is to accept His word unconditionally. To trust His promise. To believe that God exists is not enough."
"Jesus came to redeem them that were under the (Mosaic) Law. Man could not keep the Law. He was condemned by the Law."
"Jesus was born to die. Jesus did for man what man cannot do for himself. He did it though the cross and the resurrection. The cross is our only hope to find the justice and mercy of God."
"Man is alienated from God. He chooses self rather than God. Man has tried all human and earthly means to recover paradise. All have failed."
"Man must come to Christ on his own free will. Accept Christ, put all trust and faith in Christ."
"The faith that saves the soul is faith in Christ as the Son of God. Not as a good man or even a great man, but as the uniquely begotten Son of the living God."
"When you call upon God you are given true repentance."
"Because God Himself has set forth Christ to be the covering for human guilt, He cannot possibly reject the sinner who accepts Jesus Christ as their savior."
"Salvation and righteousness still come by believing God's word."
"If we do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ, we are calling God a liar."
"Religion and salvation are not the same. There are many religions. There is only one salvation. Religion is worshipping something. Salvation is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation from sin comes only through the shed blood of Jesus."
"No one can live a Christian life by trying to live his religion. No one is big enough to overcome the world by their own strength."
"In Jesus we cannot lose; we cannot fall. The devil cannot get us, but without Jesus we cannot win."
"Faith is better than feeling. Your Bible does not say feel and be saved. It says, "Believe and be saved." Crystallize your feelings into faith."
"Faith in Jesus is the invisible root of religion concealed within the soul."
"Repentance is the launching pad where the soul is sent on its eternal orbit with God at the center of the arc. Repentance becomes the key and forgiveness the gateway to the Kingdom of God."
"You must come to God by faith. Faith is the link between God and man."
God's plan for our reconciliation was completed in His Son. Man must respond by receiving and trusting. Not by just hanging on. It's laying hold of Christ."
"Christ is the object of our faith."
"Believe God. Take Him at His word."
"The purpose of God's Grace is to deliver us from Sin. Without it we would all be lost eternally."
"God helps us see the difference between redemption and reward, salvation and stewardship. Grace is God's gift to mankind."
"Salvation is simply believing what the Bible tells us about Jesus."
"If man could attain righteousness through keeping the (Mosaic) Law then there was no need for Jesus to die on the cross."
"Before the crucifixion, there was no such thing as putting away sins."
"God always does exactly what He promised."
"We are not children of God because of the (Mosaic) Law. We are children of God by Grace through faith."
"Salvation is by God's Grace through faith totally independent of good works."
"God's grace does not destroy a person's free will."
"People who believe in God have all that heaven affords at their disposal."
"Rebirth by the Holy Spirit is the only way into the Kingdom of God."
"Salvation is not repairing the old man. Salvation is the creation of a new man."
"God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
"God rejoices when a person believes in Jesus and repents.
"Under the Mosaic Law, God demands righteousness from mankind. Under Grace, God gives righteousness to mankind."
"The unbeliever does not know the meaning of real love."
"The proof of Christianity is not found in theology or ethics. But in the new person created by Christianity."
"Faith is the key that unlocks a wonderful transforming experience in the life of believers."
"Jesus is nearer than even our breath. He lives in our heart."
"To many, Christians are the only Bible they will ever read. Believers are representatives of Jesus. They should be careful how they walk."
"We are saved by Grace, Grace alone."