How to Meditate on the Bible.
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How to meditate on God's Word.
"Meditation is a combination of reviewing, repeating, reflecting, thinking, analyzing, feeling and even enjoying. It is a physical, intellectual and emotional activity - it involves our whole being.
In some ways, meditation doesn't easily fit into Western culture. We value action and busyness more than stopping and considering.
There are many ways to meditate on God's Word.
Some possibilities include:
1) Take time to read a verse or passage over and over.
2) Begin to memorize all or part of it.
3) Listen - quiet your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through God's Word.
4) Consider how it fits with the rest of the Bible and life in general.
5) Become emotionally involved - allow yourself to feel what God feels, his desires expressed through his words.
6) Move from meditation to application - connect your thoughts to action. Consider how the truth and power of the Word of God should affect your behavior."
From the "Quest Study Bible" published by The Zondervan Corporation, Grand Rapids, Michigan; page 870.
"Meditation is a combination of reviewing, repeating, reflecting, thinking, analyzing, feeling and even enjoying. It is a physical, intellectual and emotional activity - it involves our whole being.
In some ways, meditation doesn't easily fit into Western culture. We value action and busyness more than stopping and considering.
There are many ways to meditate on God's Word.
Some possibilities include:
1) Take time to read a verse or passage over and over.
2) Begin to memorize all or part of it.
3) Listen - quiet your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through God's Word.
4) Consider how it fits with the rest of the Bible and life in general.
5) Become emotionally involved - allow yourself to feel what God feels, his desires expressed through his words.
6) Move from meditation to application - connect your thoughts to action. Consider how the truth and power of the Word of God should affect your behavior."
From the "Quest Study Bible" published by The Zondervan Corporation, Grand Rapids, Michigan; page 870.