John 12:1-19
Lesson 195
Lesson 195
Read both the "King James Bible" and the "New Living Translation."
In this lesson:
This is day one of Passion Week.
By Friday, they will execute Jesus.
Mary anoints the feet of Jesus (12:1-8).
Jesus triumphantly returns to Jerusalem (12:12-19).
This is day one of Passion Week.
By Friday, they will execute Jesus.
Mary anoints the feet of Jesus (12:1-8).
Jesus triumphantly returns to Jerusalem (12:12-19).
Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem.
Study Tip:
"Don't forget the things the Bible has to teach you! Use a journal or notebook to keep track of the insights you pick up as you study."
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)
"Don't forget the things the Bible has to teach you! Use a journal or notebook to keep track of the insights you pick up as you study."
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)